About Us
Bright Stars is a Preschool provision for children from the term after their third birthday*.
The school operates five mornings a week between 8-30am and 11-30am.
We offer the 15 hours Free Early Education entitlement. There is an option of staying for a lunch session from 11.30am to 1pm if children are staying all day. This is charged at £5 per lunch session.
Your entitlement to a Free Early Education place does not offer a guarantee of a place at any one provider or a particular pattern of delivery.
Graded GOOD by Ofsted in 2019, Bright Stars Preschool provides an excellent start to your child’s education.
Our aims
We explore the world around us. We have a special focus on the performing arts and the outdoors, enhanced
by our Forest School activities.
We inspire creative and independent thinking, through our open-ended play activities, and by celebrating and listening to our children's ideas.
We give children opportunities to follow their fascinations and discover their capabilities by planning our learning journey with them.
How do we achieve our aims?
We create an atmosphere of fun and friendship for everyone, adults and children alike.
We celebrate the unique characters of our children and embracing their different interests.
We develop high self esteem and a strong growth mind-set.
We offer diverse opportunities for children to develop their gross and fine physical skills.
We provide a secure and stimulating environment so that all children have the confidence to develop and practise their language skills.
We have strong links with the local community.
We encourage our families to be involved in all aspects of the Preschool including supporting learning at home.
*the Preschool offers a limited number of places to low income families from the term prior to their third birthday. Please contact the Preschool for more information.